Faith Hope and Love

Faith, Hope and Love Week #1

  • 1 Corinthians 13:13

    • Hebrews 11:1
      • Shows that my circumstances don’t dictate my outcome
    1. Faith Asks Us To Step Into the Uncomfortable
    2. Elisha Called
      1. 1 Kings 19:19-21
      2. Luke 9:61-62 (Disciples asked to leave their plows)
    3. When we do we experience blessing to bless others
    4. EIisha called! Disciples Called The Same
      1. Lay down all the comfortable that you have as your identity and make your identity in Jesus alone…it may not be comfortable but it is always worth it!
    1. When We Make Room in Faith with the Little we have it’s Multiplied
    2. 2 Kings 4:1-7
      1. Widow’s Oil
        1. The vessels around us are people in our lives that we can pour into
        2. Isn’t it crazy how all of those empty jars popped up and the woman was freed of her debts…a debt that she couldn’t get out of alone
    3. When we stay Faithful IN the Little things to be a part of BIG Blessings
      1. 2 Kings 5:11-14 (Story of Naaman)
        1. The little things of washing 7 times seemed too easy…not for a man of his stature, but when he was faithful in the little thing his leprosy was healed!
    1. Faith Calls us to action even we don’t feel worthy
    2. 2 Kings 7:3-4; 8-10 The Lepors save the city
      1. Then the most unlikely people go out and change the world. We can just sit and not take next steps and die…be the part of the salvation of an entire city!!!
    3. When we try at first and don’t succeed, we can’t give up! The Lord wants our full reliance on Him…sometimes that happens in our first effort, but often it takes more time, more faith, more uncomfortableness and then the miracle happens!

Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE

Author: Tyler West

Founder and Lead Pastor of Realtor® with The Ott Group at Ponce Realty Group LLC ( Theodore Roosevelt describes in “The Arena” a man who boldly stepped out of the seats & into the Arena! The Arena I get to fight in is to help others live an abundant life by finding the gifts that God has given them and helping them take their next step by fulfilling the calling God has on their lives! Growing up in a widowed home from the age of 2, I experienced the dependence of faith, the importance of family, the foundation of integrity, the value of loyalty and the success that can be achieved through hard work. Whether expanding Walgreens from 4000 to 8000 healthcare stores, or stepping out in faith to be a part of launching a NewSpring Church Campus--faith, family, integrity, loyalty and hard work are fingerprints of me being involved! Each experience I have stepped into has allowed me to develop invaluable relationships that have not only achieved remarkable results, but more importantly made an impact on the lives of others that will last beyond this lifetime...a cause worthy to fight for! Can't wait to see how Jesus continues to #JoinSpartanburg at #thevinetv and the Local Church Around the World!

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