Plans To Prosper

Twisted “Plans To Prosper”

Many of us have heard so many versions of the Gospel that it can really be hard to decipher which version to follow. One that we can get stuck in is the version that says “Victory Is Coming” “Your Breakthrough is Here” and “You will Prosper”. So why is it that this is Promise and I’m not prospering? Let’s dive into what this twisted Scripture really means!

Jeremiah 29:10-14

    • We see this verse on so many things and when we truly dive into this Scripture we have to look at it’s context to truly grasp God’s Promise!
    • God is making His Promise to return a nation from chains back to His Promise…not just you and me! The nation of Israel has completely turned it’s back on God. It has worshipped false gods, neglected the Temple and made God a last resort instead of first.
    • Israel is in exile and there are false prophets are everywhere promising that are riling up God’s people that He will bring them to victory and rescue them though there hearts still aren’t right with Him.
    • God is promising Israel (and us too), that though we may have consequences to our actions, He will be with us and will bring us through them. He doesn’t promise that we won’t have trials…but that He will hear us, strengthen us and be with us through them.
    • Where we get this twisted is we preach the False Hope that following Jesus brings joy without pain, Holiness without trials and Prosperity without Suffering!
    • The Gospel isn’t about us not having trials…it’s about us being set free from the chains and shackles of sin. That is the Promise God is giving Israel here…you will be set free from the shackles of the consequence of your sins and walk again into My Promise! That’s what this verse is all about!

Does this mean this verse isn’t true and we should destroy all of our cards, plaques, books and coffee mugs with it on it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Just because we’ve twisted the verse doesn’t mean that God’s Promise isn’t true for us. We, as Christians, have to be sure we are clearly dividing the Truth of the Gospel when we speak of God’s Promises…not just the highlight reel! So as we get to explain why we love this verse with our friends/family—let’s give them what this verse really means!

Take Away:
Would you rather serve a God whose plans always line up with your plans or who promises to be with you when you call on Him?

Have you ever clung to the wrong version of the Gospel. What happened?

What plans do you have for God that you need to swap with His plans for you?


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When Helping Hurts

How To Neighbor “When Helping Hurts”

Growing up a widow’s son wasn’t always the easiest. I learned to be the “man of the house” long before I knew what it meant. I remember the struggle and how far God has brought me…but when I look back I see that it was definitely first world problems! I didn’t have what I wanted but somehow always had what I needed…and that was enough! But around the world we poverty as being fed with a bag of rice and flour, in a leaning metal roofed one room building with public water miles away but what if it’s not the material thing that leads to poverty. Maybe you think the same way…what if does the Bible say about poverty?

John 6:1-14

What if Poverty has to do more with Brokenness?
Brokenness with: GOD, SELF and OTHERS

  • We are called to SERVE not to SAVE (John 6:1-9)
    • Jesus shows the Disciples here that it was all about serving. He asked the Disciples to Feed the people to show them that only He can save…so the pressure was off of them for that to just serve.
    • Many times we can get so focused on trying to “feed” others ourselves that we miss that only Jesus can save…we on the other hand can serve while Jesus saves! We get to provide relief to others while we serve them!
  • We are called to RELATE to others not to RESCUE them (John 6:10)
    • Jesus asked the Disciples to relate to those they were serving while He provided the rescue. He calls us to do the same today! We have to build relationships and let Him do the work!
    • Those in need aren’t projects for you to help but instead people you love.
  • We are called to Reach OUT to others not to Reach DOWN (John 6:11-14)
    • It is in these moments of being a part of the miracle that the Disciples see that they are just as broken as those who were fed. In that they brought their brokenness together

Jesus blessed it.

  • We often miss that when we give Jesus our brokenness He will always give us something so much better in return.

Think of this little boy…he showed up alone with 5 loaves and 2 fish (no parent would let the Disciples take that food from him). Yet, he gave all that he had–little in the minds of adults, but HUGE in the Kingdom. The ones with the poverty mindset were the Disciples who were constantly around Jesus. I wonder if sometimes we are the same. We have such a scarcity mindset that we miss out on our blessing by not giving all we have. Let’s be the difference in others today with the little we got! Watch Jesus show out with it!

Take Away:
What type of poverty have you personally experienced: financial, spiritual, relational, other? What gets you through it?


What will you do to build meaningful relationships with people who are experiencing poverty?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE
Find Out How You Play a Part to #JoinSpartanburg: CLICK HERE

We are Family

How To Neighbor “We Are Family”

If you know anything about me Christmas is my favorite time of year…it’s not about the presents for me—but more about the presence of family! This is the only time of the year I can always say that my family is together and it doesn’t matter what struggles we have or disagreements that come…we would always come together at Christmas! It’s great belonging to something! What’s crazy is that as of 2016 over 400,000 kids in the United States are without Families! The don’t know what gathering at Christmas looks like, or sharing a laugh together…must less a present! They don’t know about the presence of family!

Exodus 2:1-10

  • Church is FAMILY (Exodus 2:1-4)
    • Even those that aren’t God’s people understand the importance. Through this attempted “thinning” of Israel by Pharaoh was used to set those same people free. God often uses the worst of circumstances to set us up to walk deeper into a relationship with Him!
    • The Church was always supposed to be family (Ephesians 1:5)
    • We are Called to be family to those without family in both Old & New Testament  (James 1:27 ; Psalms 68:5-6)
  • YOU CAN DO SOMETHING (Exodus 2:5-7)
    • The daughter of Pharaoh has a choice here. She realizes that she can do something! Think of Moses sister…she followed him all the way down the river to make sure he is safe. Then he floats in front of the royalty…imagine her helplessness—but then God stepped in and moved in Pharaoh’s daughter’s heart to act.
    • Maybe you hear this and you can’t adopt or foster or give financially to those who are trying…but you can do something. It’s as simple and bringing a meal, getting a gift card for extra supplies, toiletries, or even clothes to the family who is willing to welcome this child into their life. Let’s not miss an opportunity to help those around us.
  • INVESTING in a CHILD may not change the WORLD but it will CHANGE THEIRS
    (Exodus 2:8-10)

    • Little did Pharaoh’s daughter know how this would impact her life or the world…all she knew is a child destined for death, floated in a basket to her and started crying—she couldn’t just leave it there without trying to help.
    • Moses wrote the Torah (the Law)…the first 5 books of the Old Testament. He wouldn’t have been able to do so if he hadn’t been in Egyptian royalty. He learned leadership and was protected from certain death inside of Egyptian royalty…and was protected from the hardship’s Israel had to suffer in Egypt. Little did Moses know the impact that floating down that river would have on his life or for our Redemption.
    • You may not ever see the impact you can make on those you invest in & sometimes it’s best that way. Just know by your obedience, God can bring a blessing for generations to come!

Take Away:
What are some ways people could address this issue beyond actually fostering or adopting?

Do you know a single parent, hurting family, foster family, or adoptive family? How can you regularly support them?


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Crossing the Street

How To Neighbor “Crossing The Street”

Remember growing up with toys…boys and girls both had dolls whether Barbie, GI Joe or wrestlers. I want you to take a moment about what those dolls looked like…did they look like you? Or did they look different than you? Now think about how that may have formed your opinion of others from different ethnic backgrounds throughout your life. Crazy to think that could have affected you right? I was amazed at the thought of it as well! So how do we tear down walls in our life to reach others we may not have know even existed.

Luke 10:25-37

  • Confront Your PREJUDICE (Luke 10:25-29)
    • So many times we don’t even realize our prejudice exists. The definition of prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience (or a prejudgement). For the lawyer asking the question, he prejudged that his neighbor is only those who look like Him.
    • We often make prejudgements without even realizing it…it isn’t necessarily the act of making a prejudgement—it’s the heart behind it that makes it an issue of sin
      (James 2:9)
  • Seek To UNDERSTAND OTHERS (Luke 10:30-34)
    • The Parable is a picture of where we stand many times in our walks! We refuse to take the perspective of seeing what others see & placing ourselves in their shoes! The Samaritan crossed the street and put himself in the shoes of the man who was harmed. Perhaps he had been there before himself and others walked by him & didn’t help…regardless he took a moment to view it from the Traveler’s perspective.
    • The Religious Leaders were too worries about sustaining their cleanliness that they weren’t willing to get dirty to help the traveler. Don’t we sometimes do the same?
  • Love Those DIFFERENT than YOU (Luke 10:35-37)
    • We are all called to love one another. Nothing more nothing less. The Samaritan…the race the Jews despised (and the feelings were mutual from the Samaritans), was from a totally different background with a totally different view point, yet he showed mercy & love and cared for someone different than him. This is a perfect picture of the Gospel
    • When we get stuck thinking only people like us can make it to God…we miss out on the beauty of Heaven described in Revelation ( 7:9)

Jesus never answered the question “Who Is My Neighbor?” The beauty is He taught how to Neighbor! HUGE Difference! Dr. Martin Luther King said it well…

“The first question the priest and Levite asked was, “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But the Good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I do not stop and help this man, what will happen to him?’”
Dr. Martin Luther King

Take Away:
Racism isn’t just what we do—sometimes it’s what we don’t do. Are you withholding from people who are different from you?


How will you “Cross The Street” this week to love your neighbor: reconcile a relationship, invite someone to dinner, start a conversation?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE
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Playlist: I Just Want To Celebrate

Playlist “I Just Want To Celebrate”

My favorite time of year is Christmas! I can’t tell you how much joy it brings me! To be honest…it’s the time every year my family wasn’t stressed about money, worried about who did what to who or calling in the record of wrongs—we just gathered together! The memories I always carry with me are those!  I can say the same about my walk with Christ…I remember surrendering my life to Jesus as a child. Nothing can compare to the joy of that! It’s been the source of me getting to point others closer to Jesus! I often have to go back there to CELEBRATE when I’m in dry seasons…and I always come back seeing Jesus in a new way! Maybe you’re there in that dry season, or maybe it’s a good season…you just can’t remember the last time you had true joy! You aren’t alone!
This week’s Playlist Song is by Rare Earth:

Luke 10:17-20 Luke 15


  • Many times in our lives we can be stuck! Often our “stuck” is from jealousy, doubt or even our perspective of who/what we worship!
  • In Luke 10 Jesus is reminding the Disciples it isn’t about the work that they are getting to do that gives them the most joy…it’s the joy of their salvation. Often, we can get so caught up in the religion, the gifting, the move of God…that we miss the whole point—Salvation! And when we see we were lost, dead, naked and hopeless but in Jesus we are found, alive, clothed in Righteousness and hope filled! We can’t help but CELBRATE!
  • Luke 15 tells 3 parables all built around the Celebration of Salvation! Heaven Rejoices over one who repents than 99 are Righteous! We can’t lose sight of that…if it’s worth Heaven rejoicing Salvation then it’s worth Celebrating!
    • Yet Religion brings us to this if I do X God will do Y! We’ve missed the point…God did Y so that we could do X and it only happened because of Jesus! Religion tells us to pray harder, read more of your Bible, do more good for others, give away more than before and God will bless you. That’s not why Jesus came…He came so that with a Relationship with Him we will want to pray harder, read our Bible more and give/do more for others!

What We Celebrate, We Elevate and What We Elevate Gets Replicated! What Better Way to live the Great Commission (Matthew 18:18-20) than to Celebrate today!


Take Away:
What is the Last Thing You Celebrated? How did it feel?


When is the last time you Celebrated Christ Saving You? Who did you share it with?


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Playlist: Something Just Like This

Playlist “Something Just Like This”

From the moment I heard this song it had me in memory lane! And I was that kid in the music video…blanket cape, Batman belt…and off to save Gotham! Crazy as I grew up how my perception changed to not seeing myself on that list with Spiderman, Super Man, Batman…“They are superheroes…I’m just me!” I let that mindset invade my walk with Jesus too…“No way you can use me Lord…my story isn’t superhuman like theirs”. And if we are honest…don’t we all feel that way? Abraham felt the same way in the Bible! This week is all about the Teach over the Preach!
This week’s Playlist Song is by Coldplay and The Chainsmokers:

  • Abraham
  • Ishmael
    • Abram’s son with Hagar Genesis 16
    • Patriarch of Islam and Mohammed is in his lineage
    • Had 12 sons who were princes
      • Just like the 12 tribes of Israel through Jacob
    • Regarded as the sacrifice Abraham brought to God not Isaac
  • Why is this important?
    • When We Take God’s Promises In Our Own Hands We Always End Up Hurting People
      • Christians and Muslims have fought wars against each other for decades and still do!
    • When We Are Obedient and Available to God’s Promises We Always End Up Blessing People Isaiah 6:8

The Story of Abraham is a Story of God’s faithfulness to an unfaithful people. We’ve been searching for Eden and a relationship with God since the beginning of time…something we can turn to…something we can’t resist! And God has been telling us all along He doesn’t need a Superhero…He just needs us to be obedient and available! He always works His extraordinary through the most ordinary people! You may not be who you want to be, but you are exactly who God needs you to be!

Take Away:
Who or what is God asking you to be available to? How is He asking you to be obedient to it?


What’s the one way you will obey and the one way you will become more available to God’s Promise to you?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE

Playlist: Scars To Your Beautiful

Playlist “Scars To Your Beautiful”

I don’t know about you but when I look at myself in the mirror…there is always at least one thing I want to change! And if we are all completely honest we think the same way. Many studies indicate the vast majority of males and females are unhappy with their appearance in one way or the other. But what if that something we want to change is crippling us?
This week’s Playlist Song is by Alessia Cara:

  • Rahab
    • Joshua 2 Joshua 6:23 Matthew 1:5
    • Rahab was on the “dregs” of society. Probably not trusted and the life she lived as anything but Celebrated…but then God enters the picture. Her worth goes from a dollar to something BIGGER! After Jericho falls, Rahab and her whole family is saved! She is relieved and sees the scars of her past changed! Yet her story isn’t over…as we see in the New Testament she is in the lineage of Jesus. When she thought she was only hiding spies was actually a bigger part of God’s Redemption Plan
  • Woman at the Well
    • John 4:1-42
    • This Samaritan woman was in the “dregs” of society so much she couldn’t even drink water at the same time as everyone else. She is so ashamed of herself and her scars that she is on the verge of giving up. Ever been there? So she goes to get a drink and once again God intervenes! She changes from looking at her scars to instead see herself as God sees her! It affects her so much that she is able to point many to Jesus from her village!
  • YOU are God’s MASTERPIECE! Ephesians 2:8-10
    • You are God’s crowning achievement! Everything else He created He will one day destroy…but He made a Redemption plan for only one thing He created—you and me!
    • We get so caught up in the highlight reel of Social Media that we forget nothing is perfect…no matter how many posts we put that says it is. I know that true beauty comes from scars…
      Here’s how I know—I know a guy who has 2 scared hands, 2 scared feet, a pierced side, flesh hanging from His back and forehead…and the most beautiful thing about His scars is that it brought about Redemption for you and me!
    • Scars To Your Beautiful says “So to all the girls that’s hurting, let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer the light that shines within”. Jesus says the same to us everyday! When we see ourselves as He sees us…we see the true beauty in each of us
  • In Christ You Are:

Take Away:
Be Honest: On a scale of 1 to 10 How Do You Feel About Your Physical Appearance?

Where Do You Say I Wish God Made Me Less_____________ and More ______________.


Does Your Perception of Yourself Cause You To Do More Of What God Wants You To Do Or Less?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE

PlayList: A Million Reasons

Playlist “A Million Reasons”

Have you ever just felt overwhelmed about someone/something? Discouraged? Like giving up on it all together? Maybe you’ve prayed and you know God has called you to something…but you just can’t see it coming true because of all that surrounds you! You’ve literally got a million reasons to walk away…and you are just looking for one good reason to stay on this path! Good News…you aren’t alone! The Bible is full of people who felt exactly the same way!

Genesis 6 Genesis 7 Genesis 8 Genesis 9

“A Million Reasons”

  • The ENEMY Will Give You A Million Reasons To QUIT On WHAT MATTERS MOST!
    • Noah knows that God is about to destroy all of humankind! All his friends, livestock…every bit of the life he lived! He could have begged God to not do it. Told others to confess and repent…but instead Noah was obedient to God, had faith and did as God told Him!
      • Many times the world will give you every excuse not to do what God called you to! Noah heard “It’s never rained like that before”; “Surely our Creator wouldn’t destroy us”.
      • Maybe You Hear “It will never happen”; “God has surely forgotten you”; “You’re too screwed up to accomplish that” ; “You’ll never get out of debt” ; “You can’t lost weight” ; “Your marriage is beyond fixing” ; “You can’t beat Cancer”
        Whatever the million reasons you hear…know that Satan doesn’t want you to follow through on what God has for you…not because he’s scared of God in you…but scared of what God will do through you!
  • YOU only need ONE GOOD REASON to stay on course!                                             John 12:23-27 Hebrews 12:2-3
    • The Most Meaningful Times in life generally happen after the biggest trials
    • For Noah…not only was it a trial to get the ark built…he then had to stay on the ark for 6 months waiting on the water to recede. He endured a flood, animals of all kinds in one space and sitting on an ocean of water he knew nothing about. All for what? Because God told him too and it saved his family!
    • It was no different for Jesus! He was in an extremely difficult situation where He was the One set apart! Instead of destroying the human race…this time God had a plan to save the human race! And Jesus could have delayed the time frame, not followed through and even quit! When we were at our worst…Jesus was at His best! But, because of the joy set before Him…He endured the Cross! He too wanted to save His family…each and every one of us! It’s crazy what you will go through when you just have one good reason!
    • What was Jesus’ one good reason? YOU AND ME! He knows there is Resurrection on the other side of death. There is progress after the pain. There is healing after the hurt. There is a story worth telling on the other side of the struggle!

Take Away:
What is the thing (dream, goal, person, situation) you are avoiding because it’s too difficult?


What is your reason for staying the course? How will it change how you look at the struggle?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE

What Are My Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Giftedness “What Are My Spiritual Gifts?”

Why is it so crazy to believe that we serve a God who gives good gifts? He specifically made each and every one of us with a Gift that brings us joy and Him glory! And what’s even better? We serve a God that believes the best in us…the Gospel is our greatest indication of that. God allows us to hone one another with the gifts He’s given us so that we bring Him the most glory. What if someone asked you your spiritual gifts? Would you be able to answer? Take 10 Minutes and fill out this Test from our Friends at Life.Church to see your gifts: CLICK HERE TO TAKE TEST

1 Peter 4:10-11  Romans 12:4-8  1 Corinthians 12:27-30


ADMINISTRATION (Luke 14:28-30)
Those with the gift of Administration accomplish God-given goals and directives by planning, organizing, and supervising others. People with this gift have the ability to understand what makes an organization function and can plan and execute procedures that accomplish the goals of the ministry.

People with this gift: develop strategies or plans to reach identified goals, assist organizations to become more effective and efficient, create order out of organizational chaos, manage or coordinate a variety of responsibilities to accomplish a task, and organize people, tasks, or events.

APOSTLE (2 Corinthians 12:12 , Ephesians 4:11-16 )
Apostles exercise general leadership or oversight over a number of churches with an authority in spiritual matters. God appoints Christians with this gift to lead, inspire and develop the Church by the proclamation and the teaching of true doctrine. Apostles have a divine ability to start and oversee the development of new churches or ministry structures.

People with this gift: pioneer and establish new ministries or churches, adapt to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware, desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries, have responsibilities to oversee ministries or groups of churches, demonstrate authority and vision for the mission of the church


Christians with this gift create artistic expressions that provoke a spiritual response. Those with the gift of skilled craftsmanship have an unusual ability to create, build, maintain, or repair things. Craftsmen are able to creatively design and/or construct items to be used for ministry. Artists communicate God’s truth through a variety of art forms.

People with this gift: work with wood, cloth, paint, metal, glass, and other raw materials, make things that increase the effectiveness of others or provide specific help to others, design and build tangible items and resources, use the arts to communicate God’s truth, develop and use artistic skills such as drama, writing, art, music, dance, etc. use creativity to captivate people and cause them to consider Christ’s message, challenge other’s perspective of God through various forms of the arts, demonstrate fresh ways to express Biblical truth.

DISCERNMENT (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
Discernment is the special ability to know with assurance whether certain behavior or teaching is truth or contains error. People with the gift of discernment have an uncanny ability to differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong.

People with this gift: distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure, identify deception with accuracy and appropriateness, determine whether a word attributed to God is authentic, recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message, or interpretation

ENCOURAGEMENT (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
Those with encouragement offer comfort, hope and reassurance to discouraged, weak, or troubled others in a way that consoles them.

People with this gift: come to the side of those who are discouraged give them hope, emphasize God’s promises and confidence in His will

EVANGELISM (Acts 2:36-40)
Evangelists proclaim the Gospel of salvation effectively so that people respond and become followers of Christ. They possess the ability to effectively communicate the Gospel to unbelievers so they respond in faith and move toward discipleship.

People with this gift: communicate the message of Christ with clarity and conviction, seek out opportunities to talk to unbelievers about spiritual matters, challenge unbelievers to faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ, adapt their presentation of the gospel to connect with the individual’s needs, seek opportunities to build relationships with unbelievers

EXHORTATION (1 Timothy 5:1-2)
People with this gift use words to strengthen weak and faltering, motivating them to become all God wants them to be. Exhorters help others reach their full potential by encouraging, challenging, comforting and guiding others by being able to present truth in a way that urges those who are discouraged or wavering in their faith to take action.

People with this gift: come to the side of those who are weak in spirit to strengthen them, challenge or confront others to trust and hope in the promises of God, urge others to action by applying Biblical truth, offer advice, a solution, or ideas for progress, motivate others to grow.

FAITH (Acts 27:21-25)
Those with the spiritual gift of faith are firmly persuaded of God’s power and promises to accomplish His will and purpose. These gifted people display strong confidence in God and His Word, and circumstances and obstacles do not shake that conviction. The spiritual gift of faith enables the believer to act on God’s promises with confidence and unwavering belief in His ability to fulfill His purposes.

People with this gift: believe the promises of God and inspire others to do the same, act with complete confidence in God’s ability to overcome obstacles, demonstrate an attitude of trust in God’s will and His promises, advance the cause of Christ because they go forward when others will not, ask God for what is needed and trust Him for His provision

GIVING (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
The gift of giving enables a believer to recognize God’s blessings and to respond to those blessings by generously, sacrificially and cheerfully giving of their time, talents and money without thought of being repaid. This gift enables believers to contribute financial and other resources when God asks them to with cheerfulness and generosity.

People with this gift: manage their finances and limit their lifestyle in order to give away as much as possible, support the work of ministry with sacrificial gifts to advance God’s work, meet the tangible needs of others so that spiritual growth can occur, provide resources generously and cheerfully, have a special ability to make money so that they may use it to further God’s work

HELPS / SERVICE (Luke 22:24-27)
Those with this gift work gladly behind the scenes to ensure that God’s work is accomplished. These are often found in a supporting role or they invest their talents in the life & ministry of others to make a lasting difference in the world. Believers with this gift are able to accomplish practical and necessary tasks which free-up, support and meet the needs of others

People with this gift: serve behind the scenes whenever needed to support the gifts and ministries of others (often without having to be asked), see the tangible and practical things that need to be done and enjoy doing them, enjoy knowing that they are freeing up others to do what God has called them to do, would rather do a job than find someone else to do it

HOSPITALITY (Hebrews 13:1-2)
Those with the gift of hospitality make others feel like they are at home. They provide an open home and warm welcome to those in need of food, lodging, and fellowship. The gift of hospitality is marked by a readiness to invite others into their home or church and to make them feel not only welcome, but as though they belong there.

People with this gift: provide an environment where people feel valued and cared for, meet new people and help them feel welcomed, create a safe and comfortable setting where relationships can develop, seek ways to connect people together into meaningful relationships

Those with the gift of prayer pray for specific needs over an extended period of time and see God move through their prayers. Their gift enables them to consistently pray on behalf of and for others, seeing frequent and specific results.

People with this gift: feel compelled to earnestly pray on behalf of someone or some cause, have a daily awareness of the spiritual battles being waged, are convinced God moves in direct response to prayer and pray in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit

KNOWLEDGE (Colossians 2:2-3)
The gift of knowledge enables certain Christians to understand the truths of God’s Word and to make them relevant. Believers with this gift desire to seek out and learn as much about the Bible as they possibly can. Their gift enables them to bring truth to others through a revelation or Biblical insight.

People with this gift: receive truth which enables them to better serve others, search the Scriptures for insight, understanding, and truth, have an unusual insight or understanding that serves others, organize information for teaching and practical use.

LEADERSHIP (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Those with the spiritual gift of leadership set goals to accomplish God’s purposes and communicate these goals to others in such a way that they voluntarily work together to accomplish them. They are able to cast vision, motivate and direct people to accomplish the purposes of God.

People with this gift: provide direction for God’s people or ministry, motivate others to perform to the best of their abilities, present the “big picture” for others to see, model the values of the organization, take responsibility and establish goals

MERCY / COMPASSION (Matthew 9:36)
Those with this gift feel exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are suffering physically, mentally or emotionally. They feel genuine sympathy for the misery of others and care for those who suffer with acts of love that help alleviate their distress. Believers with the gift of mercy cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering and in need by putting compassion into action.

People with this gift: focus upon alleviating the sources of pain or discomfort in suffering people, address the needs of the lonely and forgotten, express love, grace and dignity to those facing hardships and crisis, serve in difficult or unsightly circumstances, advocate individual or social issues that oppress people

MISSIONS (Acts 22:21)
Those with the gift of missions are burdened to reach others in foreign countries or “unreachable places”. They find it easy or exciting to adjust to a different culture or community. Missionaries find great joy working with minorities, people of other countries or those with other distinct cultural differences. Those with this gift live the Great Commission to the ends of the world.

People with this gift: have an intense feeling of unease at the thought of all the unsaved people in the world, have the ability to reach out to people groups of a different ethnicity, language or cultural background,  can establish meaningful relationships  & have the desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries

MUSIC (1 Samuel 16:14-23)
Those with the gift of Music have the ability to present personal witness and inspiration to others through instrumental music, singing or dancing. Those listening or watching become inspired to feel the presence of God.

People with this gift: sing or play a musical instrument well, find joy in singing or playing praises to God, feel secure in the fact that their musical ability will be of benefit to other people with whom they come in contact, and can use their musical ability to help and inspire others to worship God

PASTOR / SHEPHERD (John 10:1-16)
Pastors are able to assume a long-term personal responsibility for leadership and the spiritual care, protection, guidance and teaching of a group of believers. They feel a strong desire to nurture, care for, and guide people to follow and become like Christ.

People with this gift: take responsibility to nurture the whole person in their walk with God, provide guidance and oversight to a group of God’s people, model with their life what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ, establish trust and confidence through long-term relationships, lead and protect those within their span of care

PROPHET / PROPHECY  (Deuteronomy 18:18-22)
Those with the gift of Prophecy are able to proclaim the Word of God with clarity and apply it fearlessly to strengthen, encourage and convict other believers and to convince unbelievers. These believers are especially able to interpret and apply God’s revelation, reveal truth and proclaim it in a timely & relevant manner for understanding, correction, repentance and edification.

People with this gift: speak a timely word from God causing conviction, repentance, and edification, see truth that others often fail to see and challenge them to respond, understand God’s heart and mind through experiences He takes them through

TEACHING / TEACHER (Hebrews 5:12-14)
Those with the gift of teaching have the ability to explain the truths of the Word of God clearly and apply them effectively so that others understand and learn. They instruct others about the Bible in a logical and systematic way that communicates and imparts true understanding and growth. They are able to understand, clearly explain and apply the Word of God in a way that causes those listening to become more like Christ.

People with this gift: communicate Biblical truth that inspires greater obedience to the Word, challenge listeners simply and practically with the truths of Scripture, focus on changing lives by helping others understand the Bible better, give attention to detail and accuracy, prepare through extended times of study and reflection

WISDOM (James 3:13-18)
Those with the gift of Wisdom sort through opinions, facts, and thoughts in order to determine what solution would be best for themselves and others. They apply knowledge to life in a way that is relevant and practical to daily life and decision making. They know the mind of God in a way that brings insight into how to apply knowledge so that specific needs of others are met.

People with this gift: focus on the unseen consequences as they determine the next steps to take, receive an understanding of what is necessary to meet the needs of others, provide God-given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion, hear God’s direction in a given situation, apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways

WRITING (1 John 2:12-14)
This gift gives a believer the ability to express truth in written form in a way that builds up, instructs, comforts or strengthens others. Their special ability to formulate thoughts and ideas into meaningful written form enables the reader to find courage, guidance, knowledge or edification through their words. The writers of the Bible had this gift.

People with this gift: may write stories, sermons, devotions, histories, prayers, songs or poetry to be used to build up the body of Christ, are inspired by the Holy Spirit in what they write, may teach God’s Word to others through what they write, often use writing to express other gifts, may be better at expressing their thoughts in written form than in verbal form

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My Story: I Decided To Stop

My Story “I Decided to Stop”

Last week we discussed “I Decided to Start” and how like riding a bicycle when we start peddling we start to go places. The freedom that comes from just starting the journey is so beautiful! With that freedom can come some temptations though right? Like not going to the place that your parents told you not to with your bike! It was so close & so fun, but you were so blind to the dangers of it! Following Jesus is the same! He rewards our obedience, and even though the thing we want to isn’t “that bad”, it still can cost more than we know! David faced some similar battles in his lifetime!

1 Chronicles 21 Galatians 5:22-26

Ask Yourself “If I continue this direction, how will this story end?”

  • YOU don’t know what YOU’RE MISSING if YOU STOP! (1 Chronicles 21:1-6)
    • It wasn’t the fact that David counted the army…it’s that he let Satan tempt him to do it and he followed through. This is what sin does to each of us! Counting an army isn’t hurting anyone right? Well as we see later it actually does!
    • What are the things in your life you are doing that seem to not harm any one but aren’t what Jesus is calling you to do?What are you missing out on by continuing to do them?
  • YOU don’t know what it WILL COST if YOU DON’T! (1 Chronicles 21:7-30)
    • Once David Realized He sinned…he did the right thing—Repented! Yet, he still had to deal with the Consequences of his sin. And like always, sin doesn’t just affect us…it effects those around us (many times unsuspectingly). 70,000 men died due to David’s sin (2 Samuel 24:15)
    • In your story where can you see that not listening to Jesus and doing what He says has cost you? Did it just affect you?



Take Away:
Living a BIG Faith Filled Life starts with small next steps in Christ!  What Next Steps can you take:
What Does God Want for Your Life (Look at Galatians 5:22-26)?


What is getting in the way of what God Wants for your Life? What will you decide to Stop (play each decision without Jesus forward)?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE