Plans To Prosper

Twisted “Plans To Prosper”

Many of us have heard so many versions of the Gospel that it can really be hard to decipher which version to follow. One that we can get stuck in is the version that says “Victory Is Coming” “Your Breakthrough is Here” and “You will Prosper”. So why is it that this is Promise and I’m not prospering? Let’s dive into what this twisted Scripture really means!

Jeremiah 29:10-14

    • We see this verse on so many things and when we truly dive into this Scripture we have to look at it’s context to truly grasp God’s Promise!
    • God is making His Promise to return a nation from chains back to His Promise…not just you and me! The nation of Israel has completely turned it’s back on God. It has worshipped false gods, neglected the Temple and made God a last resort instead of first.
    • Israel is in exile and there are false prophets are everywhere promising that are riling up God’s people that He will bring them to victory and rescue them though there hearts still aren’t right with Him.
    • God is promising Israel (and us too), that though we may have consequences to our actions, He will be with us and will bring us through them. He doesn’t promise that we won’t have trials…but that He will hear us, strengthen us and be with us through them.
    • Where we get this twisted is we preach the False Hope that following Jesus brings joy without pain, Holiness without trials and Prosperity without Suffering!
    • The Gospel isn’t about us not having trials…it’s about us being set free from the chains and shackles of sin. That is the Promise God is giving Israel here…you will be set free from the shackles of the consequence of your sins and walk again into My Promise! That’s what this verse is all about!

Does this mean this verse isn’t true and we should destroy all of our cards, plaques, books and coffee mugs with it on it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Just because we’ve twisted the verse doesn’t mean that God’s Promise isn’t true for us. We, as Christians, have to be sure we are clearly dividing the Truth of the Gospel when we speak of God’s Promises…not just the highlight reel! So as we get to explain why we love this verse with our friends/family—let’s give them what this verse really means!

Take Away:
Would you rather serve a God whose plans always line up with your plans or who promises to be with you when you call on Him?

Have you ever clung to the wrong version of the Gospel. What happened?

What plans do you have for God that you need to swap with His plans for you?


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Author: Tyler West

Founder and Lead Pastor of Realtor® with The Ott Group at Ponce Realty Group LLC ( Theodore Roosevelt describes in “The Arena” a man who boldly stepped out of the seats & into the Arena! The Arena I get to fight in is to help others live an abundant life by finding the gifts that God has given them and helping them take their next step by fulfilling the calling God has on their lives! Growing up in a widowed home from the age of 2, I experienced the dependence of faith, the importance of family, the foundation of integrity, the value of loyalty and the success that can be achieved through hard work. Whether expanding Walgreens from 4000 to 8000 healthcare stores, or stepping out in faith to be a part of launching a NewSpring Church Campus--faith, family, integrity, loyalty and hard work are fingerprints of me being involved! Each experience I have stepped into has allowed me to develop invaluable relationships that have not only achieved remarkable results, but more importantly made an impact on the lives of others that will last beyond this lifetime...a cause worthy to fight for! Can't wait to see how Jesus continues to #JoinSpartanburg at #thevinetv and the Local Church Around the World!

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