Do Not Judge

Twisted “Do Not Judge”

We’ve all been there on the both sides! The truth comes out and it’s time to give an account for what wrong was done…and the opening line whether you believe in Jesus or not is usually “Do not judge me for what I did but them for what they did”. This is so often one of the most misquoted Scripture in our society today. Yet without judgement we would have no grades, no possibility of a jury for a fair trial and no accountability from death by someone driving drunk! The issue is, if we are really honest, it’s awesome doling out the judgement but it’s the hardest thing to be punished by it…even if it was our own fault!  So where is the Bible clear about judging?

Matthew 7:1-2

  • Don’t JUDGE by APPEARANCE (John 7:24)
    • We always have to look at the context of Scripture with Scripture. Jesus has just spend John 6 Feeding the 5000 and walking on water…then explaining that He is the Bread of Life and sees many Disciples leave Him because He said this. The Pharisees are angry Jesus has healed on the Sabbath & Jesus addresses them by saying don’t judge by the Appearance of something but the reason behind it. It isn’t that we aren’t to keep the Sabbath Holy…it’s that we are to be obedient to what God’s called us to (which the Pharisees didn’t uphold either). The judgement we must walk in is obedience…not appearance of obedience!
    • Isn’t that where we sit? Often the thing we criticize others for the most is the very thing we are struggling with ourselves!
  • Don’t JUDGE HYPOCRITICALLY (Matthew 7:3-5)
    • Jesus is teaching us here that it isn’t up to us to gripe about the size of our neighbor’s sin, but instead realize we too are sinners and are called instead to lift our neighbors up not blast them & put them down. It isn’t the size of the sin that matters but that the Grace of God is bigger than sin!
    • As we are calling for others to stop their sin we too are to do the same. It’s one thing to call someone out on their sin…it’s another to walk with them through it! We are called to walk through it with them!
  • JUDGE With GRACE and TRUTH (John 1:14-18)
    • Jesus came and operated through Grace and Truth! Both! Not one over the other! He called out the sin in those around Him and gave them the grace to take a next step to be set free from it (look at the Miracles and the Pharisees)
    • This means Christians don’t get made at Non-Christians for not acting like a Christian! We will all be in a place of judgement in one way or the other (because we all mess up). When we are judged with Grace and Truth is where we can grow into all God made us to be! All Truth No Grace drives others away…All Grace No Truth makes everything okay. Both of those situations leave us with no true friends.

Take Away:
Who’s your favorite reality TV judge? What would it be like for you to be judged by them?

What are the situations in your life where you feel most judged? When are you most judgmental of others?

What changes can you make to lead with grace before truth, especially in your relationships with people who don’t follow Jesus?


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Author: Tyler West

Founder and Lead Pastor of Realtor® with The Ott Group at Ponce Realty Group LLC ( Theodore Roosevelt describes in “The Arena” a man who boldly stepped out of the seats & into the Arena! The Arena I get to fight in is to help others live an abundant life by finding the gifts that God has given them and helping them take their next step by fulfilling the calling God has on their lives! Growing up in a widowed home from the age of 2, I experienced the dependence of faith, the importance of family, the foundation of integrity, the value of loyalty and the success that can be achieved through hard work. Whether expanding Walgreens from 4000 to 8000 healthcare stores, or stepping out in faith to be a part of launching a NewSpring Church Campus--faith, family, integrity, loyalty and hard work are fingerprints of me being involved! Each experience I have stepped into has allowed me to develop invaluable relationships that have not only achieved remarkable results, but more importantly made an impact on the lives of others that will last beyond this lifetime...a cause worthy to fight for! Can't wait to see how Jesus continues to #JoinSpartanburg at #thevinetv and the Local Church Around the World!

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