Playlist: Scars To Your Beautiful

Playlist “Scars To Your Beautiful”

I don’t know about you but when I look at myself in the mirror…there is always at least one thing I want to change! And if we are all completely honest we think the same way. Many studies indicate the vast majority of males and females are unhappy with their appearance in one way or the other. But what if that something we want to change is crippling us?
This week’s Playlist Song is by Alessia Cara:

  • Rahab
    • Joshua 2 Joshua 6:23 Matthew 1:5
    • Rahab was on the “dregs” of society. Probably not trusted and the life she lived as anything but Celebrated…but then God enters the picture. Her worth goes from a dollar to something BIGGER! After Jericho falls, Rahab and her whole family is saved! She is relieved and sees the scars of her past changed! Yet her story isn’t over…as we see in the New Testament she is in the lineage of Jesus. When she thought she was only hiding spies was actually a bigger part of God’s Redemption Plan
  • Woman at the Well
    • John 4:1-42
    • This Samaritan woman was in the “dregs” of society so much she couldn’t even drink water at the same time as everyone else. She is so ashamed of herself and her scars that she is on the verge of giving up. Ever been there? So she goes to get a drink and once again God intervenes! She changes from looking at her scars to instead see herself as God sees her! It affects her so much that she is able to point many to Jesus from her village!
  • YOU are God’s MASTERPIECE! Ephesians 2:8-10
    • You are God’s crowning achievement! Everything else He created He will one day destroy…but He made a Redemption plan for only one thing He created—you and me!
    • We get so caught up in the highlight reel of Social Media that we forget nothing is perfect…no matter how many posts we put that says it is. I know that true beauty comes from scars…
      Here’s how I know—I know a guy who has 2 scared hands, 2 scared feet, a pierced side, flesh hanging from His back and forehead…and the most beautiful thing about His scars is that it brought about Redemption for you and me!
    • Scars To Your Beautiful says “So to all the girls that’s hurting, let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer the light that shines within”. Jesus says the same to us everyday! When we see ourselves as He sees us…we see the true beauty in each of us
  • In Christ You Are:

Take Away:
Be Honest: On a scale of 1 to 10 How Do You Feel About Your Physical Appearance?

Where Do You Say I Wish God Made Me Less_____________ and More ______________.


Does Your Perception of Yourself Cause You To Do More Of What God Wants You To Do Or Less?


Interested in More About Our Thursday Night Bible Study: CLICK HERE

Author: Tyler West

Founder and Lead Pastor of Realtor® with The Ott Group at Ponce Realty Group LLC ( Theodore Roosevelt describes in “The Arena” a man who boldly stepped out of the seats & into the Arena! The Arena I get to fight in is to help others live an abundant life by finding the gifts that God has given them and helping them take their next step by fulfilling the calling God has on their lives! Growing up in a widowed home from the age of 2, I experienced the dependence of faith, the importance of family, the foundation of integrity, the value of loyalty and the success that can be achieved through hard work. Whether expanding Walgreens from 4000 to 8000 healthcare stores, or stepping out in faith to be a part of launching a NewSpring Church Campus--faith, family, integrity, loyalty and hard work are fingerprints of me being involved! Each experience I have stepped into has allowed me to develop invaluable relationships that have not only achieved remarkable results, but more importantly made an impact on the lives of others that will last beyond this lifetime...a cause worthy to fight for! Can't wait to see how Jesus continues to #JoinSpartanburg at #thevinetv and the Local Church Around the World!

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